2023 August newsletter
Adam Mehlberg | Published on 8/1/2023
Trailridge Runners 4WD Club Newsletter
Trailridge Runners 4WD Club
Longmont, CO 80502
August 2023 Newsletter
Club forum, email to forum@trr4wd.com, which will go to all TRR members
Club Business |
Club Meeting
Wednesday August 9th, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Moose Lodge #1548, 2200 Pratt Street, Longmont, CO 80501
Open to all members and guests.
The lodge is one street west of main, between 21st and 23rd on Pratt Street.
We'll be in the north hall. Folks who arrive early will need to enter at the main entrance, take the 2nd left, off the lobby, enter the middle hall and continue north to the north hall. The front door is a key card door but there is a button for the bar tenders to open the door. Those that arrive early can prop the door open on east side of the north hall so folks can park on the east side of the building and enter through that door.
Next Meeting |
6:30pm to 6:59pm - Social Time
7:00pm to 9:00pm - Meeting
- Introduce guests.
- Welcome new members.
- Treasurers report.
- Honda generator purchase.
- Board meeting update.
- Documents section on web site.
- Update on cleanup of Documents section of web page.
- Club Express update.
- New/Other business.
- Ray’s Extravaganza.
- Planning for Red Cone and Radical Hill trip.
- Planning for Moab Utah trip.
- Planning for Red Elephant and Bill Moore Lake trip.
- Planning for Pass Hoppers trip.
- Planning for Labor Day barbeque.
- Planning for Ladies Run to Santa Fe Peak.
- Planning for Cody Wyoming trip.
- St Johns and SOB Hill trip cancelled.
- Other trip planning.
- Review of the Spring Creek trip.
- Review of the Silverton trip.
- Close meeting.
- Open discussion.
Past Meeting Minutes |
Past Board Meeting Minutes
- Working on a survey to collect feedback on concerns with being trip leaders.
- Mike M will be reorganizing the Documents section of the web site to improve finding documents people will be looking for.
Past Meeting Minutes
- No guests.
- No new members.
- Mike M thanked all who have brought snacks to the club meetings.
- Ray C will bring a box to the meetings to collect 4 wheeling items people would like to donate to be given away at future meetings.
- Treasurers report was read by Rich H.
- Kilgour Fund report was read by Adam M.
- No Club Express update.
- First Leader Shadowing took place on Kelly Flats. Bob G shadowed James H.
- Mike M and Roger B cleaned up the web site administrator list by removing people that are no longer members. This included the Coordinators list as well.
- Ray C did the Extravaganza Give Away. We had enough donations to do two give aways. Greg B won a GMRS hand held radio. Cathy H won a set of tire deflators, then gave them to Kathy H who lost hers earlier. (Must be present to win!)
- Kat F posted a link in the general forum for the survey to research why people are reluctant to lead trips.
- Kathy H went over the plans for the Labor Day cookout at the Moose Lodge. Bring a way to keep your dish cold if needed. Bring your own drinks, club will provide the meat.
- Planning for Silverton trip. May do the steam locomotive train ride from Durango to Silverton. Some roads at higher elevations are still snow covered.
- Bob G gave a review of the Kelly Flats trip. Eight jeeps were on the trip. All climbed Heart Attack Hill. They had lunch at the Shoots. No one wanted to try. They headed home due to rain coming in.
- Gordon H gave a review of the buck and rail fence project on the Middle St. Vrain 4WD road. Also gave his review of his run of Coney Flats on Sunday after the fencing project. Gates for Middle St. Vrain and Coney Flats are open.
- Motion to close meeting, Wanda C, second by Greg B.
- Open discussion.
Deadline for next Newsletter is August 26th |
Club News |
Club Refreshments
The following people are signed up to bring club refreshments for the club meeting.
Aug – Mark Grayson
Sep – Katherine Fuller
Oct – Schwall’s
Nov – (Moose Lodge)
Dec – Paula Kratzer / Adam Mehlberg
Recent Trip Articles |
See our club web page photo albums for pictures of trips.
©Copyright - Trailridge Runners 4WD Club Inc. - 1985-2023